What do primatologists do when they are locked down? Well, apparently plenty of webinars, among many other things, for sure. Here is a non-comprehensive list of online panels, presentations and related, performed during the pandemic that has turned our lives upside-down over the last few months. First, there are talks in English, then Spanish and French. Now I also count on the collaboration of Rismayanti, Head Manager of the Macaca Nigra Project, who will be curating the Indonesian section! Finally, there are some talks with Portuguese audio within conferences in English and Spanish. I labelled them accordingly so you can find them. I hope you enjoy the list!
Para palestras em português, pesquise [ÁUDIO PORTUGUÊS]. Existem 7 no total.

The African Primatological Society virtual panel on COVID-19
The African Primatological Society hosted a panel that discussed the links between biodiversity loss and the emergence of epidemics and the implications this has for human-wellbeing and African primate conservation. Panelists: Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka, Jonah Ratsimbazafy, Bassirou Bonfoh, Sian Waters, Johannes Refisch. Moderated by Inza Koné and Rachel Ikemeh. Rapporteurs: Ekwoge Abwe and Karim Ouattara.

Animal Behavior Society Virtual Meeting, July 28-31, 2020
The virtual ABS meeting gathered hundreds of researchers from all branches of the field for 4 intense days of ethological virtual pride. I listed here those presentations that were later uploaded to Youtube. The abstracts of all presentation on-demand are still available at the website of the conference
Ana C.C.S. Chagas - Stress along social networks in captive capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus)
Talita Damasceno - Vocal calls are correlated to social behaviors in juvenile captive monkeys [ÁUDIO PORTUGUÊS]
Ingrid Maria da Silva Oliveira - Social behaviors of captive-raised capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) differ by age and sex class [ÁUDIO PORTUGUÊS]
Nataly de Souza Fernandes - Behavioral diversity and space use as welfare indicators of captive capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) [ÁUDIO PORTUGUÊS]
Raiane dos Santos Guidi - Within a new group: The first social behaviours of captive capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.).
Felipe Haeberlin - Capuchin monkeys personality traits and social behavior
Natsumi Hamada-Fearnside - Proximity patterns of blond capuchin monkeys (Sapajus flavius) in an Atlantic forest fragment
Jean-Baptiste Leca - A culturally maintained token economy in free-ranging monkeys
Sylvain Lemoine - Between-group competition in Taï chimpanzees
Pedro Alexandre Nobre da Silva - Environmental enrichment effects on the activity budget of captive capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) [ÁUDIO PORTUGUÊS]
Megan Petersdorf - Female fertility signals in Kinda baboons (Papio kindae)
Patrick Tkaczynski - Cortisol patterns during development in bonobos and chimpanzees
Gabriel Whebber - Correlation between vocalizations and abnormal behaviors of captive capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) [ÁUDIO PORTUGUÊS]

The Association of Indian Primatologists webinar series
The Association of Indian Primatologists has organized interesting talks on primate research and conservation by international experts such as:
Krishna Balasubramaniam - Social Network Analysis And Its Utility In Studying Animals
Anindya Sinha - Other Minds: Social Cognition in Wild Bonnet Macaques
Agni Mitra, IFS- Wildlife Trafficking in India and Primates
Tara Clarke - Madagascar: The Vanishing 8th Continent
Charmalie Nahallage - An Introduction to the Primates and Primatological Studies in Sri Lanka
Lynne Isbell- Recent Research on Primate Responses to their Predators
Jean-Baptiste Leca - Studying Behavioral By-Products in Primatology
Tetsuro Matsuzawa - Chimpanzee intelligence in the laboratory and in the wild
Michael A. Huffman-The Evolution of Self-Medication in Primates
More upcoming webinars on the AIP Youtube channel

Ape Alliance: COVID-19 and Zoonotic Diseases Panel Discussion
The panel discussed how apes could be affected by COVID-19 and how ape tourism might contribute to the transmission of zoonotic diseases. The panellists were: Ian Redmond, James Desmond, Johannes Refisch, Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka, Ian Singleton, Vernon Reynolds and Jo Thompson. Moderated by Iona Haines.
(You can also watch it HERE)

BIAZA Research Committee: #virtualzooscience2020
The British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) organized a virtual conference on the 6th of July 2020. Among the talks, a couple dealt with primate research:
Lewis Rowden - Personality assessment in zoo-housed primates
You can check the rest of the conference HERE
Bio-Diverse Festival
The Bio-diverse festival took place between the 12th-18th October 2020 and brought together conservationists to talk about their work in an inclusive environment. All talks can be found in their YouTube channel, including:
Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka - The impact of COVID-19 on gorilla conservation
Alex Ngabirano - A day in the Life: Bwindi Development Network, Uganda
Adin, Esther, Hilman Fauzi, Myla - A Day in the Life: Little Fireface Project, Indonesia
Hopefully you are also interested in these panel discussions:
Shay-Akil McLean, Celina Chien, Craig Poku, Kai Hoshijo - Anti-Racism in Conservation and Biology
Olivia Bernard, Kelsey Byers, Duncan Cameron, Hayley Branch - Disability in Biology and STEM
CRESIDA seminar series - The University of Roehampton
The Centre for Research in Evolutionary, Social and Inter-Disciplinary Anthropology (CRESIDA) at the University of Roehampton, started an anthropology webinar series which includes, of course, primate research. Check the Anthroehampton blog for updates.
Dysoc/NIMBioS Webinar Series on Cultural Evolution
The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) and the The Center for the Dynamics of Social Complexity (Dysoc) has organized a series of webinars on cultural evolution that includes, of course, some dealing with non-human primates:
Andy Whiten - The discovery and reach of animal culture
Patricia Izar - The impact of a tradition on the life of capuchin monkeys
EFP-GFP 2021 Seminar Series
The European Federation for Primatology (EFP) and the German Primatological Society (GfP) had scheduled a meeting for 2021. Due to the pandemic, has been postponed to 2022. To keep everyone on the loop, they have organized a webinar series in which promising young primatologists from or based in Europe will discuss their work. Talks will be held live every Wednesday during February 2021. You can register here. The schedule is:
Wednesday Feb. 3rd, 2021:
Charlotte Canteloup - From whom to learn? Social learning biases in wild vervet monkeys
Daria Valente - Similarities and differences in lemur vocal behaviour: a comparative approach
Dietmar Crailsheim - Assessing the sociability of former pet and entertainment chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) by using a monolayer and a multiplex social network approach
Wednesday Feb. 10th, 2021:
Vedrana Šlipogor - Unique, just like everyone else? Integrative approach to the study of personality in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
Alex Mielke - Replicability and reproducibility in primate sociality studies
Jaimie Morris - Genetic and morphological analyses of historic and contemporary populations of western lowland gorilla: A multidisciplinary approach for the conservation of a critically endangered primate
Wednesday Feb. 17th, 2021:
Iván García-Nisa - Investigating the contribution of communication to social learning opportunities in Barbary macaques
Cécile Sarabian - From cognition & behavior to infection: primate responses to parasitic threat
Pooja Dongre - Immigrants trigger novel food acquisition in a wild primate
Wednesday Feb. 24th, 2021:
Eva Gazagne - From the ground to the sky: Habituation, surveys, and areal monitoring technologies in primatological fieldwork
Francesca De Petrillo - Ecological variation in primate decision-making
Grégoire Boulinguez-Ambroise - Infant-holding: The forgotten behavior in primate developmental and evolutionary studies
Wednesday Feb. 24th, 2021:
Eva Gazagne - From the ground to the sky: Habituation, surveys, and areal monitoring technologies in primatological fieldwork
Francesca De Petrillo - Ecological variation in primate decision-making
Grégoire Boulinguez-Ambroise - Infant-holding: The forgotten behavior in primate developmental and evolutionary studies

FINE Seminar series
The International Remote Seminar on Frontiers in Social Evolution (FINE) organizes seminars on Tuesdays (11:00 in New York/17:00 in Paris) which can be attended via Zoom or YouTube. Here are the seminars dealing with primates:
Eduardo Fernandez-Duque - What we (do not) know about solitary floaters in pair-living sexually monogamous primates
Aaron A. Sandel - Within-species variation, data quality, and the aims of primatology
Sarie Van Belle - Intergroup Dynamics in Howler Monkeys
Peter Kappeler - Lemur Social Evolution

Habitat Expert Series Webforums
The Habitat Foundation, a conservation trust based in Penang, Malaysia, has organized a series of webforums over the last months focusing on biodiversity and conservation in Malaysia. They teamed up with the Malaysian Primatological Society (MPS) to organize a forum the 28th of July on "A Future for Primates in Malaysia", where five experts discussed their work:
Peter Ong of the Project Monyet talked about his goal of photographing all 25 primate species living in Malaysia
Felicity Oram of PONGO Alliance explained the efforts being taken in the Kinabatangan to ensure long-term viability for the orangutan
Nadine Rupert of the Malaysian Primatological Society shared an overview of the challenges faced by primates in Malaysia, focusing on her research on southern pig-tailed macaques living in oil palm plantations in Perak
Sharmini Julita Paramasivam, founder of the Animal Neighbours project, spoke about the long-tailed macaque, and the management strategies to ameliorate human-macaque conflicts in urban Malaysia
Jo Leen Yap, founder of Langur Project Penang provided an in-depth view of the conservation efforts for dusky langurs and other arboreal species in Penang.
Hani Nabilia of PERHILITAN, spoke about the laws and regulations which surround primate conservation in Malaysia
Cercopithecines, people and Covid-19
This webinar brought together experts on different types of interactions between primates and humans to discuss how the pandemic could affect such relationships. It was organized by Siân Waters, Susan M Cheyne & Malene Friis Hansen and the presenters were:
Thomas Gillespie – What are the risks and how can we mitigate COVID-19 for Cercopithecines and people in shared environments?
Lauren Gilhooly – Fewer people, fewer problems? How changes in tourism can affect macaque behaviour
Malene Friis Hansen & Ventie Angelia Nawangsari, – Creating demand, then cutting supply: A case study of macaque provisioning in real-time.
Tanvir Ahmed – Human-Primate Conflicts in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Magdalena Bermejo – Ape Case Studies and Human Interactions: Can people-primate interactions change during and after an epidemic?
(You can also watch it HERE)
Decolonising Primate Conservation
Streamed the 10th August 2020, this webinar was organized by Siân Waters and Susan M Cheyne. The speakers were:
Seheno Corduant-Andriantsaralaza - How decolonization in conservation and inclusivity in research can improve conservation efforts and initiatives in Madagascar?
June Mary Rubis - Seeing the utan for the orang: a decolonial Indigenous approach to orang utan conservation in Sarawak
Michelle Rodrigues - Why narratives matter for decolonising primatology? (You may also want to check her #DecolonizePrimatology: A Reading List)
Joanna Setchell - What might "decolonising" mean for primatology? (You may also want to check her references for her talk on the same topic on PSGB2020)
(You can also watch it HERE)
The Role of Belief Systems in African Primate Conservation
Streamed the 20th October 2020, this webinar was organized by Siân Waters, Lynne R.Baker, and Susan M Cheyne. The speakers were:
Carolyn A. Jost Robinson - Beyond believing. Conceptualizing diverse forms of knowledge in conservation practice
Christopher Dankwah - The nexus of Indigenous cultures and primate havens; insights from Ghana
Sherrie Alexander - The role of religion in primate conservation: Muslim perceptions of Barbary macaques in the Rif mountains of Morocco
Sery Gonedele Bi - Contribution of taboos to the conservation of Geoffroy's black-and-white colobus in two distinct traditional communities in Côte d'Ivoire
Lynne R.Baker - Local belief systems and the conservation of Sclater's monkey in Nigeria
(You can also watch it HERE)

Leakey Foundation Lunch Break Science Series
The Leakey Foundation has recently started a series of webinars led by anthropologists from different areas, including:
Zarin Machanda- Chimpanzee communication
Rachna Reddy - Chimpanzee sociality
Caroline Schuppli - Orangutan cognition
Margaret Crofoot and Grace Davis - Leadership and decision making in primate societies
Catherine Markham - Social competition in primate groups
Jacinta Beehner - Gelada monkeys in Ethiopia
Eduardo Fernandez-Duque - Pair-bonding and parental care in monkeys from Ecuadorian Amazon and Argentina
Lemur Conservation Network panel discussions
The Lemur Conservation Network connects over 60 organizations working to save the lemurs from Madagascar with people who want to join the cause. They have posted some webinars and panel discussions in the las few months like the ones below.
Lynne Venart, Seheno Corduant-Andriantsaralaza, Lucia Rodríguez, Ed Louis, Sylviane Volampeno, Tsiory Andrianavalona - Conservation Optimism in Madagascar: Panel Discussion
Lynne Venart, Seheno Corduant-Andriantsaralaza, Lucia Rodríguez, Brett Massoud, Laurenne Mansbridge, Jonah Ramampionona, Tanjona Raharijaona - Madagascar Travel Showcase
Long-Term Animal Research Seminar Series
The Long-Term Animal Research Seminar Series has appointed several distinguished primatologists including:
Jacinta Beehner- Male-mediated changes in female reproduction: 15 years of research in geladas
Megan Peterdorf - Sexual selection in the little-known Kinda baboon
Monkey Monday - MSc Primate Conservation Oxford Brookes University (UK)
Terence Fuh - In the front line of western lowland gorilla conservation
Camille Coudrat - Biodiversity Conservation in the Annamites Mountains of Laos
Andrea Molyneaux - Bukit Lawang, #morethanorangutan and #keepwildlifewild
Stephanie Poindexter - Lorises to olfaction: Navigating research, conservation, and academia
Joselyn Mormille - An interdisciplinary study on the human-baboon interface in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa
Tim Eppley - A multi-faceted approach to the conservation of red ruffed lemurs in northeast Madagascar
Alejandra Duarte - Tales from the field: turning stories into primate science
You can check future talks HERE
Oxford Nature Conservation Society talks
The Oxford Nature Conservation Society (OUNCS) is a society run by students from the University of Oxford who organize, among other things, the talk series than can then be viewed in their Facebook page. The 22nd October they invited Prof. Anna Nekaris whose talk was entitled "Adorable little fur balls of death: the ecological function and conservation implications of slow loris venom"
Primate Conversations Seminar Series
The Primate models for behavioural evolution lab of the University of Oxford organizes the now webinar series Primate Conversations. This season it featured:
Alexander Mielke-In Praise of Folly: Play as a Window into Primate Cognition
Primate Expertise outreach videos
Primate Expertise (PEx) is a Congolese NGO, created by Dr Augustin K. Basabose in 2013. PEx's objective is to inspire young Congolese to take leadership in the research and conservation of non-human primates in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In his Youtube channel you can find videos (in English and French) on his humanitarian activities during the covid-19 pandemic as well as on the conservation and primates of Kahuzi-Biega National Park.
Augustin K. Basabose - “Ape Trees” about growing trees from seeds collected from ape dung to restore degraded forest area albeit the global challenge from COVID-19

Primate Society of Great Britain Winter Meeting 2020
Between the 1st and 2nd of December, the Primate Society of Great Britain (PSGB) organized its first online meeting. Here are some of the talks publicly available. The posters are available until the 9th December.
Plenary Speaker: Prof Ramesh Boonratana - Asian Primates & Asian Primatology: Status, Issues, Constraints, Gaps, and Options
Presentation sessions:

Saints Talk - University of St Andrews Alumni
The University of St Andrews organizes online lectures by their Alumni. One of them was
Cat Hobaiter, who explains her work on ape communication and mind in her talk "The Language of Life"
Slow Loris 2020 Conference - Little Fireface Project
The Little Fireface project organized a conference the 24th October focused on Loris. The speakers were:
Anna Nekaris – Welcome and overview of loris conservation
Hiroko Somura – Biological research in Myanmar on Bengal slow loris
Phuntsho Thinley – Preliminary distribution of Bengal slow loris in Bhutan
Hassan Al-Razi MSc – Bengal slow loris research and conservation in Bangladesh
Li Tianjiao – Sunda Slow Loris research in Singapore
Smitha Daniel – Story of the smallest Indian primate – the Malabar slender loris
Judeline Dimalibot – A preliminary study of the habitat and behaviour of Philippine slow loris Nycticebus menagensis in Simunul Island, Tawi-tawi Province, Philippines
Sergey Khlyupin – Research, successful management and breeding of slow lorises in Moscow zoo, Russia
Jennie Natalia Simanjuntak – Overview of the the Kukang Rescue Program, Sumatra, Indonesia
Dr Marina Kenyon – The chronicles of Vietnamese loris: the hunter, the ranger and the rescue centre
Dr Nabajit Das – Medicinal plant exudates and conservation implications of Bengal slow loris (Nycticebus bengalensis) in India
Dr Penthai Siriwat – Trade in slow lorises in Thailand
Dr Qingyong Ni – Conservation and research of pygmy and Bengal slow lorises in China: status and challenges
Roopa Satish – Slender loris case reports at BRC, India, between Jan 2010 to August 2020
Lief Erickson D. Gamalo – Past and future for Philippine slow loris research in the Philippines
Esther Adinda – Social behaviour in the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) – Little Fireface Project, West Java, Indonesia
(You can also watch it HERE)
University of Liverpool Evolutionary Anthropology Webinar Series
A series of webinars that brings together experts from different areas of evolutionary anthropology, including primatology. Live talks happen each Thursday at 13h (UK time) in Zoom. You may register through the links posted by @LivUni_EvoAnth on Twitter or watch them in their YouTube channel
Kathelijine Koops - Ape origins of human technology: What makes a tool user ?
World Chimpanzee Day Special
The 14th July was the World Chimpanzee Day, the 60th anniversary of the arrival of Jane Goodall to Gombe. Researchers of the University of Exeter, the University of Oxford (Primate Models For Behavioural Evolution Lab) and the Bulindi Chimpanzee Project put together a series of outreach videos on chimpanzee research:
Caroline Phillips & Alex Mielke - Introduction
Marina Ramon & Hellen Bersacola - Threats and Conservation
Hellen Bersacola - Field Methods
Katarina Almeida-Warren & Hellen Bersacola - Local Researchers
Alejandra Pascual-Garrido & Katarina Almeida-Warren - Chimpanzee technology
Alex Mielke - Chimpanzee Friendship
Kimberley Hockings, Matthew McLennan & Caroline Phillips - Chimpanzee Diet
Elliot Howard-Spink and Joana Bessa - Chimpanzee Communication

2020 Annual Meeting - Midwest Primate Interest Group
The 16th October the Midwest Primate Interest Group (MPIG), USA, organized their annual meeting online with interesting roundtables:
Session 1: Ethics of Fieldwork During a Pandemic
Session 2: Activism in Primate Conservation
I hope you found something that interested you! Please let me know if you would like to see any other webinar added (or if you found typos and similar annoyances). And if you really liked it, please consider inviting me to a coffee! (Times are challenging, as you know).

VIII Simposio de Primates Mesoamericanos 2020

El Grupo de Interés Temático de Primates Mesoamericanos (GIT Primates Meso), la Fundación Pro-Conservación de los Primates Panameños (FCPP) y la Sociedad Mesoamericana para la biología y la conservación, han organizado el VIII Simposio de Primates Mesoamericanos online entre el 2 y lel 27 de Noviembre de 2020. Las ponencias pueden verse tanto en el facebook de GIT Primates Meso como en el de la FCPP, además de desde aquí. Por supuesto. Esta es la lista de ponentes por orden alfabético del primer apellido.
Maria Fernanda Álvarez-Vélazquez - "Si me comes, me defiendo"... Concentración de taninos y su capacidad para precipitar proteína en la selección de dieta por Alouatta pigra
Juan Esteban Cáceres-Rave - El mono que dominó la noche: biogeografía histórica de los monos nocturnos (Platyrrinos: Aoutus)
Pedro A. González Hernández - Anotaciones ecológicas de Aotus zonalis y Sanguinus geoffroyi asociados a una zona fragmentada en cerro colorado- Pajonal, Coclé, Panamá
Leandro Jerusalinsky - Planeamiento para la conservación de primates neotropicales: situación y prioridades
Russell Mittermeier & Anthony Rynals - Grupo especialista de primates de la IUCN (parte I)
Russell Mittermeier & Anthony Rynals - Grupo especialista de primates de la IUCN (parte II) [Parte del audio en inglés]
Gabriela Maira Pereira de Assis - Respuesta inmune humoral contra la proteína Plasmodium sp. circunsporozoite de primates neotropicales de la mata Atlántica brasileña [ÁUDIO PORTUGUÊS]
Yohanny Y. Pineda - Análisis filogenético de Alouatta coibensis y Alouatta palliata utilizando el marcador molecular COI
Gilberto Pozo-Montuy - Sistema regional de monitoreo de primates en México: Avances y retos de conservación
Ronald Sánchez Porras - Efectos de la fragmentación en las poblaciones de monos congo (Alouatta palliata) en Costa Rica
Sheila Regina Schmidt Francisco - Secrección Epidérmica de mono aullador rojo (Alouatta guariba clamitans): Composición volátil y función de comunicación - Brazil [ÁUDIO PORTUGUÊS]
Anamélia de Souza Jesus - Relación entre la marcación olfativa y comportamiento sexual en monos lanudos
Asociación Primatológica Colombiana: Primatología en Casa
La Asociaciación Primatológica Colombiana ha organizado una serie de videoconferencias durante la crisis del coronavirus llamada “Primatología en casa”. En ella, personas dedicadas a la primatología hablan de sus proyectos de manera amena y accesible:
Natalia Camargo - La vida secreta de los chimpancés en el Parque Nacional Kibale Uganda
Juan Carlos Serio-Silva - Cómo Intentar Ser Primatológo (Hacer Conservación) y No Morir en el Intento
Alma Hernández - Tras el Rastro del Mono Araña Negro (Ateles fusciceps)
Andrea Barrera - Una Casa Para Zambo: Una Casa Para Todos
John Aristizabal - Aquí Entre Monos ¿Somos lo que Comemos?: Reflexiones de la Selva a la Teoría
Eduardo Fernandez-Duque - Amor en los Tiempos del Mono: Monogamia y Vida en Pareja de los Monos Mirikina del Gran Chaco Argentino
Claudia Brieva - Primates y Enfermedades Zoonóticas
Rosamira Guillen - Proyecto Tití: Estrategias Para la Conservación del Tití Cabeciblanco
Laura Patiño y Keisy Martínez - Ciencia, Educación y Cultura Ambiental de Proyecto Primates
Luisa Paulo Ferraz - Conexión del Paisaje y el Programa de Conservación del Tití León Dorado
¡Más en su canal a partir de Enero!
CosmoCaixa #UnaVentanaALaCiencia
Pandemia y la supervivencia de grandes primates
Un charla a novel divulgativo sobre lo que supone la pandemia para la conservación de grandes simios, por el presidente de la Asociación Primatológica Española, Miquel Llorente, con Jordi Serrallonga.
(También puedes verlo AQUí)
¿Qué nos enseñan los primates?
Un charla a nivel divulgativo moderada por Jordi Serrallonga en la que la Dra. Montserrat Colell, primatóloga y etóloga y profesora de la Universitat de Barcelona, habla de cómo el estudio de los primates nos ayuda a entender la evolución humana.
(También puedes verlo aquí)
Día Internacional del Lémur - Asociación Primatológica Española
El 30 de octubre se celebró el día internacional del lémur y la Asociación Primatológica Española organizó una videoconferencia con dos ponentes dedicados a la conservación de estos primates en Madagascar, presentada por Miquel Llorente:
Gloria Fernández-Lázaro - Lémures y su estado de conservación
José Luis Guirao - Proyectos de Conservación y Cooperación al desarrollo en Madagascar
También puedes verla aquí
Festival Primates Chiricanos: Talk en Vivo
organizó en Instagram el Festival de Primates Chiricanos. Los ponentes fueron:
Daniela Solano - El mono tití Chiricano
Pedro Méndez-Carvajal - El mono araña colorado en peligro crítico
Karol Gutiérrez - El mono Concón: La voz del bosque
Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC): Crónica de una expedición científica tras los gorilas del Congo, 2019
Ponentes: Magdalena Bermejo (Universidad de Barcelona), José Domingo Rodríguez-Teijeiro (Universidad de Barcelona), Alex Barroso (Universidad de Barcelona), Alberto Fernández-Gil (Dept. Biología de la Conservación, EBD) y Jacinto Román (Dept. Biología de la Conservación, EBD).
(También puedes verlo aquí).
Serie #ConverSabado de WARMI
Wildlife Animal Research and Management Integration (WARMI) son una plataforma digital peruana dedicada a la divulgación de los avances científicos sobre fauna salvaje. En su serie de charlas varias se han centrado en la investigación primatológica:
Samanta Valera Guerrero - Nutrición del mono nocturno (Aotus nancymaae)
Gabriel García Mendoza - Indentificación de primates en el Perú
Luís López - El Mono maquisapa está desapareciendo PE
¡Espero que encontrases alguna charla de tu interés! Por favor, házme saber si te gustaría que añadiese algún otro seminario a la lista (o si has encontrado alguna errata, error o molestia por el estilo). Y, si te gustó mucho la lista, por favor, considera invitarme a un café (clickea abajo en "Buy me a coffee").
Vidéos de sensibilisation de Primate Expertise
Primate Expertise (PEx) est une ONG congolaise, créée par le Dr Augustin K. Basabose en 2013. L'objectif de PEx est d'inspirer les jeunes congolais à prendre le leadership dans la recherche et la conservation des primates non humains en République Démocratique du Congo. Dans son canal Youtube vous pouvez trouver des vidéos (en anglais et français) sur ses activités activités humanitaires pendant la pandémie de covid-19 ainsi comme sur la conservation et les primates de Kahuzi-Biega National Park.
Augustin K. Basabose, Michael Baraka, Salomon Bazibuhe (Et les bénéficiaires: Deodata M'Chimanuka, Cizungu Ntavuna, Shukuru Cizungu)- Conservation à Kahuzi-Biega National Park

Futura: Hommes et grands singes : après la crise du coronavirus, la cohabitation est-elle toujours possible?
Discussion entre le primatologue Nicolas Granier et l'écologue Fabier Quetier moderée par la journaliste Nathalie Mayer.
1er Webinar de la Société Francophone de Primatologie
Le 17 Novembre 2020, la SFDP a organisé son premier webinar en substitution du colloque annuel qui a été annulé à cause de la pandémie. Toutes les présentations sont sur le canal YouTube de la SFDP et aussi sur son site web, classés dans les catégories suivantes:
Larson Boundenga - Diversité génétique des Trypanosomes chez les primates nocturnes du Gabon
Clémence Poirotte - Pourquoi les microcèbe mignon varient-ils en termes de comportement hygiénique?

J'espère que vous trouverez des séminaires de votre intérêt! Veuillez me faire savoir si vous souhaitez que j'ajoute d'autres séminaires à la liste (ou si vous avez trouvé des erreurs ou des désagréments de cette nature). Et, si vous avez vraiment aimé la liste, pensez à m'inviter à un café (cliquez sur sous "Buy me a coffee").

(dikurasi oleh Rismayanti, Head Manager di Macaca Nigra Project)
Manajemen Rehabilitas Satwa Primata (dari rescue hingga release)
Webinar "Manajemen Rehabilitas Satwa Primata (dari rescue hingga release)" dilaksanakan pada 10 Juli 2020 yang naungi oleh Mapala ANOA Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Hasanudin, Makasar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia.
Materi 1 drh. Fahmi Agustiadi (Tasikoki wildlife rescue center): Manajemen Rescue dan Emergency Medis Celebes Macaque
Materi 2 drh Andi Sofyan (Yayasan Kalaweit Indonesia (Borneo)): Proses Rehabilitasi Owa/Siamang di Lembaga Konservasi Khusus
Materi 3 drh Muhtadin (Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation): Program Release dan Manajemen Orangutan Hasil Rehabilitas.
Owa Jawa: Konsrvasi Habitat di Gunung Halimun Salak
Webinar “Owa Jawa: Konsrvasi Habitat di Gunung Halimun Salak” dilaksanakan pada Sabtu, 10 Oktobe 2020 yang diselenggaakan oleh GARDA HIMABIO “NYAMPHAEA” Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
Materi 1: Dr. Ir. Entang Iskandar M.Si (Pusat Studi Satwa Primata LPPM IPB): Populasi, Habitat dan Konservasi Ex-situ Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch)
Materi 2: Rahayu Oktaviani (Owa Halimun): Menggaungkan Nyanyian Owa Jawa
Materi 3: Estelly Rosabl Febiola (HIMABIO Nyamphaea ITB): Stuktur dan Pofil Vegetasi Habitat Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch) di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak
Webinar Owa dan Siamang Indonesia seri 1 dilaksanakan pada 18 November 2020 yang diselenggarakan oleh Perhimpunan Primata Indonesia
Pembukaan: Indra Exploitasia (DIREKTORAT Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati BKSDA, KEMENTERIAN LHK): Belajar dari Owa Jawa: Penelitian, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, dan Penyardatahuan
1. Widi Hartanto (DLHK Provinsi Jawa Tengah):Peran Penting Forum Kolaboratif Pengelolaan Kawasan Hutan Petungkriyono untuk Pelestarian Owa Jawa
2. Entang Iskandar (PSSP IPB): Populasi dan Kesesuaian Habitat Owa Jawa
3. Fauzia Yudanti (Owa Halimun/ KIARA Indonesia): Upaya Konservasi Owa Jawa di Hutan Citalahab Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak
4. Silvi Dwi Anasari (IAR Indonesia): Tren Pedagangan Daring Owa Jawa
5. Sidiq Harjanto (Swara Owa): Pengembangan Ekonomi Masyarakat Sekitar Habitat Owa Jawa di Kabupaten Pekalongan Jawa Tengah
Webinar seri 2 mengenai Owa Sumatra, Siamang dan Owa Mentawai yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 Desember 2020 dan diselenggarakan oleh Perhimpunan Primata Indonesia
Pembukaan: Didik Prasetyo (Indonesia rumah Primata (Owa))
1. Laji Utoyo, S.E (WCS Indonesia Program): Pemantauan Jangka Panjang Siamang dan Owa Ungko di Statsiun Penelitian Way Canguk
2. Lugi Hartanto, S.P,. M.Sc (Kepala Balai TN Siberut): Konservasi Siamang Kerdil di Pulau Mentawai
3. Achmad Yanuar, M.Phil., PhD (Univesitas Nasional): Densitas Populasi Siamang & Ungko di Hutan Fragmen Sumatra Bagian Tengah-Barat
Webinar seri 3 “Owa Kalimantan” yang diselenggarkan oleh perhimpunan primate indonsia pada 16 Desember 2020
1. Eka Cahyaningrum (Swara Owa): Owa Kalimantan: Banyak didengar tapi tidak banyak dikenal
2. Kristanta Parinters Makur (Borneo Nature Indonesia): Konservasi Owa Kalimantan
3. Agusdin (Sungai Wain): Populasi Hylobates Muelleri di sungai wain
Webinar Pengembangan Ekowisata Alam dan Primata di Bentang Alam Wehea-Kelay Kalimantan Timur dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu, 23 September 2020. Webinar ini diselenggarakan oleh Konservasi Alam Nusantara
1. E.A Rafiddin Rizal, ST., MSi (Ketua Forum KEE Wehea-Kelay): Selamat Datang di Kawasan Ekosistem Esensial Wehea-Kelay
2. Ir. Wiratno, MSc (Direktur Jendral KSDAE Kementerian LHK): Kerja Multipihak Belajar dari Wehea Kelay
3. Dra. Sri Wahyuni MPP (Kepala Dinas Paiwisata Provinsi Kalimantan Timur): Kebijakan Pengebangan Ekowisata di Kalimantan Timur
4. Prof. Dr. Jatna Supriatna (Universitas Indonesia): Pengembangan Ekowisata dan Primata di Wehea-Keley
Webinar Pengembara yang dilaksanakan pada 1 November 2020 membahas mengenai tarsius. webinar ini diselenggarakan oleh Rimpala Fahutan IPB University.
1. Dr. Ir Abdul Haris Mustari, MSc. (Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata, IPB University) Ekologi, Perilaku dan Konsevasi Tarsius (Tarsius spp)
2.Ibnu Maryanto (P2Biologi-LIPI): Biogeogafi Tarsius Indonesia dan Spesies Perunut Yang Harus di Konservasi
3. Ir Jusman (Balai Besar Taman Nasional Lore Lindu): Ekologi dan Konservasi Tarsius di Taman Nasional Lore Lindu